Search Results

Showing 1-10 out of 310 results


Contact CoreLogic - the leading property data, information, analytics and services provider in Australia and New Zealand with growing partnerships throughout Asia.

CoreLogic New Zealand

3 Oct 2023

Banking & Lending

The digital world has radically changed customers’ home-buying expectations.To keep ahead of the curve, CoreLogic helps simplify the mortgage process for lenders by offering a

CoreLogic New Zealand

7 Feb 2024

What we do

Smart property decisions depend on having the best information on hand when you need it. That’s why it makes sense to use trusted data, analytics

CoreLogic New Zealand

5 Jun 2024

House Price Index

The CoreLogic House Price Index (HPI) provides a reliable indication of property value movement throughout New Zealand, offering an understanding of property values and how

CoreLogic New Zealand

6 Jun 2024



Become a digital marketing pro: easily create and publish digital advertising for your Just Sold, Just Listed and Agency branded campaigns.

CoreLogic New Zealand

5 Jun 2024


Privacy Policy

CoreLogic Privacy PolicyThis Privacy Policy applies to:RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific (ABN 67 087 759 171) and its Australian subsidiaries

CoreLogic New Zealand

2 Jul 2024

Our People

Meet the CoreLogic team

CoreLogic New Zealand

8 Nov 2023

Request Property Guru Access

The new Property Guru is now live!

CoreLogic New Zealand

9 Oct 2023

233 results found: Asset Name: A single source of ...

233 results found:. Asset Name: A single source of truth to help energy retailers overcome addressing challenges. Overview Text: CoreLogic’s addressing provides a crucial link between energy distributors and retailers, helping save time and money

Housing Chart Pack

The Housing Affordability Report analyses the relationship between property values and household incomes, saving a deposit, mortgage serviceability and rental rates relative to household incomes.

CoreLogic New Zealand

28 Jun 2024

Showing 1-10 out of 310 results
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